Helpful Links for Bi People

GLAAD Bisexual Erasure explained by the world’s largest Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) media advocacy organization
Health.comBi erasure and the negative impacts on physical and mental health, as explained on
HRCHuman Rights Campaign explains there is a right way and a wrong way to cover bisexuality
Bi HealthAn organization dedicated to the health needs of bisexual people
Cancer.comCancer facts for lesbian and bisexual women

Not necessarily helpful, but still fun, links for Bi People

Seventeen MagazineA compilation of bisexual celebrities
Teen VogueHalsey apologizes for not being “gay enough” for some fans
Bi OrgA list of fictional bi characters, including video game characters, historical figures, animated beings, and problematic characters. While this is fun to look at, it should be noted that the majority of the characters in this grid are not out as bi, and some of them are definitely a stretch, and many of them remain unclaimed (as in unwanted) by the bisexual community.